Opossum Vtuber || He/They || 24
Illustrator and Live2D rigger


Commissions are CLOSED for now.
If you have any inquiries, or would like to be notified once a slot opens, DM me on Twitter @OpossumBeni

character portraits

Please note that I have slightly different coloring styles for regular art and model illustrations. Illustrations come with two versions. One with a simple background, and one with a transparent background. Prices listed are per character. Clients must provide visual references for the art.

TypePrice (USD)
Bust Up$30
Half Body$60
Full Body$90

more sections coming soon

Vtuber models

Commissions are CLOSED for now.
If you have any inquiries, or would like to be notified once a slot opens, DM me on Twitter @OpossumBeni

Model illustration

The terms "bust up" and "half body" refer to how much will be rigged. The illustration goes down further to accomodate the rigger.I currently do not offer model illustration by itself. It's only available alongside rigging at the moment. See rigging section for prices.


Below are the base prices for rigging and model illustration.

TypeRig OnlyArt + Rig
Bust Up$300$450
Half Body$400$700
Full Body$500$900

All rigging commissions include the following:
- mouthforms, eye blink, eye smile, brow forms
- head x/y/z
- body x/y/z
- breathing
- hair, body, and clothing/accessory physics
- 3 simple expressions
- Model setup and help with Vtube Studio
Half body and full body rigs will have arm movement set to physics and the ability to add arm toggles. Full body rigs come with a wider range of body XYZ, slight knee bend, and tiptoe.

Optional Add-ons and feesPrice (USD)
Complex design fee$30+
Togglable clothes/accessories$10-50
Alternate outfit/hair/look$50-100
Extra expression/Animation$25-50 each
Small companion$25-75
Alternate Arm poses$45+ each
Hip Sway (full body only)$75
Animated Tears$40
Major .psd revisions (requires artist permission)$30+

Some features such as animated tears and extra arm poses require you to have additional textures drawn.Want a feature not on this list? We can discuss.

more showcases

Terms of Service


- I, the artist, retain the original copyright of the work I produce, and can use them in my portfolio. The client is granted permission to use the work for personal, and certain commercial purposes including streaming, producing videos, and social media posts. The client does not have permission to sell merchandise using the commissioned work.- Outside of samples for client feedback, I do not provide any files that aren't a part of the final product. This includes any native Live2D Cubism files (.cmo3 and .can3)- Commissions of this nature require frequent discussion. By commissioning me, the client to keep regular contact throughout the process.- The client is required to credit me when they use or display the commissioned work. Do not claim the work as your own.- I reserve the right to turn down your offer for a commission.- I understand that many people want to keep their vtuber models a secret until their debut. If requested, I will refrain from showing any work done publicly until after your debut date. Please let me know to do this at the beginning of the commission process.- You are not allowed to use my work for NFTs.


- Prices and ToS are subject to change. Changes do not apply retroactively to commissions that have already been accepted. The date that the first invoice is paid is considered the date the commission is accepted.- Prices are listed in USD. Payment is made through Paypal or Square invoices.- Payment is 50% upfront. When the other 50% is paid is determined by the type of commission. For illustration-only, the second payment is due after the sketch is finalized. For illustration and rigging, the second payment is due after the illustration is finalized and before the rigging begins. For rigging-only, the second payment is due before the second test model is sent to the client.- I do not start work until I have received the first payment.

Revision policy

Major revisions are changes made to the scope of work initially agreed upon. The cost of a major revision will be based on how much extra work this creates and will be discussed with the client.Minor revisions are free during the commission process. I will send frequent work-in-process screenshots and videos. The client is expected to provide feedback and request changes where necessary sooner rather than later. Because of this, any revisions requested after the work is complete will not be free.Objective mistakes that are found after the project is complete will be corrected for free. Mistakes would be something along the lines of backwards hands, parts clipping, toggles breaking when used together, etc.

Refund Policy

If the client decides to cancel their order during the commission process, the amount refunded will vary based on how much of the work is completed. Please be aware that I do not give over the partially completed Live2D Cubism files if a refund is issued.

Work Process

All commissions start the same way. The client and I discuss and agree upon the scope of the project, an estimated deadline, and the price. Once the scope of work has been outlined, no changes can be made without incurring further costs. When the total quote is confirmed, I will send an invoice via Paypal or Square for the first payment.I will send occasional work-in-progress images, videos, or test models for the client, who is expected to review the work and request any necessary changes.For Live2D rigging, I will send test models out at different stages. The first is after the eyes and mouth are rigged. The second will come after head angles are done. The timing for when I send the third and possibly fourth test models will depend on the scale of the project and number of features. Please note that physics (including gravity) are not implemented until later stages of rigging.If the client is unfamiliar with Vtube Studio, I will provide assistance with importing the models and adjusting inputs.